Benefits of Concierge Membership
Since 1984, the New Orleans Concierge Association (NOCA) has been bringing together professionals committed to providing superior service. NOCA promotes high professional and ethical standards among its members, coordinates, promotes and assists the activities and interests of concierges and fosters friendship, communication and solidarity among concierges in the New Orleans metropolitan area.
Membership in NOCA offers multiple benefits to concierges at every stage of their career:
Professional Networking with Concierge Colleagues: Connect with concierges for an exchange of ideas, advice on challenging guest requests, mentoring, career opportunities, and plain old fun! Share in the wealth of knowledge and experience of tenured Les Clefs d’Or concierge members. Members enjoy special access to theater, cocktail parties and receptions and other unique events with local businesses, providing year-round opportunities to network.
Professional Development and Continuing Education: Join us for educational seminars and familiarization tours, each offering opportunities to deepen your knowledge and skill as a concierge in this ever-changing field. Increase your level of competence and professionalism while promoting the development of trade and tourism within the Big Easy!
Networking Opportunities with Local Affiliate Member and Vendors: Learn about the newest offerings in New Orleans and the surrounding area from our Corporate Affiliate Members, who make brief presentations at each meeting to familiarize the concierges with their services. Make in person contact with those providers whom you may have only spoken with on the phone or via email.
Philanthropy and Service: Participate in service to local organizations through various voluntary work projects at charitable organizations such as ARC of Greater New Orleans, and City Park New Orleans Day of Service. Our organization also makes an annual donation to the Les Clefs d’Or Foundation to assist both Les Clefs d’Or USA and non-Les Clefs d’Or USA Members.