Corporate Affiliate Membership Benefits
Each year, the New Orleans Concierge Association (NOCA) permits a small group of area vendors to become corporate affiliate members of the organization. NOCA’s corporate affiliate members provide excellent service to visitors to the New Orleans area. NOCA holds each sponsor to high ethical and professional standards, and, on that basis, we recommend them without hesitation.
Corporate Affiliate membership in the NOCA offers myriad benefits to businesses operating in and around New Orleans:
Professional Networking with Concierge Members: Connect with the concierge community who are your direct partners in providing services to their guests and hotels. Deepen your understanding of the needs of the concierge community as they directly affect the end-user of your services through the exchange of ideas often generated by speaking in person to concierges. Enjoy the many opportunities to socialize with some of the most fun professionals in the hospitality world!
Expand Your Business: Familiarize the concierge community with your services. Through direct, personal contact with concierge members you have the opportunity to develop business and social friendships that can solidify your presence in the community. Corporate Affiliate members are offered the opportunity to promote and advertise their business through short presentations as part of the meetings. Foster and develop productive working relationships with concierges. Meet other business affiliates offering services to the community.
Philanthropy and Service: Participate in service to local organizations through various voluntary work projects at charitable organizations such as ARC of Greater New Orleans, and City Park New Orleans Day of Service. Our organization also makes an annual donation to the Les Clefs d’Or Foundation to assist both Les Clefs d’Or USA and non-Les Clefs d’Or USA members to provide financial grants to concierges and their immediate family members no longer able to work due to life-threatening illness.
To apply for corporate membership, please contact our Director of Corporate Affiliates at for additional information regarding the enrollment and application. Please submit completed applications (with requested attachments) to:
New Orleans Concierge Association
130 Roosevelt Way
New Orleans, LA 70112
Attn: President
Upon review of the application, approved corporate affiliate members will be asked to submit a $350.00 fee for a one-year membership (fee is prorated if the yearly membership has begun). The fee is payable by check to the New Orleans Concierge Association.
Because all potential corporate members are announced before the NOCA membership for feedback, applications can take between one to three months to review and process. We apologize for any delay in reviewing your application and appreciate your patience.